Support me in the election campaign!
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Donations by bank transfer
Donations can also be made simply by bank transfer to the SPD sub-district of Aachen-Stadt. The bank details are as follows:
Account holder: SPD-Unterbezirk Aachen-Stadt
IBAN: DE62 3905 0000 0000 0947 22
Bank: Sparkasse Aachen
Intended use: Donation for the 2025 Bundestag election campaign [Vorname + Name + Anschrift]
Tax information
Of course, private individuals or companies can receive a donation receipt.
Income tax is reduced by 50 percent of contributions and/or donations to political parties, up to a maximum of EUR 825, or EUR 1,650 in the case of joint tax assessment for couples. This reduction therefore applies to contributions and/or donations up to a total of EUR 1,650, or up to EUR 3,300 in the case of joint tax assessment (Section 34 g EStG).
Donations and/or contributions in excess of this up to a further EUR 1,650 or EUR 3,300 can be claimed as special expenses (§10 b EStG).